IP STARS 2023: The leading practitioners in IP
Patent disputes - law firms (2023) – Tier 3
Trade mark - law firms (2022) – Tier 2
"An excellent team, which has been stable for years and perfectly complements each other, with extensive knowledge of trademark law. They provide quick, flexible, competent and solution-oriented advice in trademark law, which is tailored to the client's specific needs."
"Klaka has conducted a large number of patent litigation cases in mobile communications in recent years and therefore has particular expertise there. Klaka is also very present at all important courts for patent litigation (Munich, Düsseldorf, Mannheim) and is very familiar with the special conceptions of the individual chambers, so that the proposals are ideally tailored to them."
"We appreciate the very effective cooperation."
Lisa Bieber
Jurisdiction: Germany
Rating: Rising star 2023
Stefan Eck
Jurisdiction: Germany
Rating: Patent star 2023 / Trade mark star 2023
Olaf Giebe
Jurisdiction: Germany
Rating: Patent star 2023
Ralf Hackbarth
Jurisdiction: Germany
Rating: Trade mark star 2023
Carola Onken
Jurisdiction: Germany
Rating:Trade mark star 2023 / Top 250 Women in IP 2023
Maximilian Reif
Jurisdiction: Germany
Rating: Rising star 2023
Andreas Schulz
Jurisdiction: Germany