World Trademark Review 1000, 2022: The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals
WTR 1000, 2022 – Germany – Tier 2
Silver - Firms
KLAKA’s client list says it all: in the last 12 months alone, it has represented BMW in trademark infringement proceedings against Volvo; acted for Nestlé in a range of trademark and unfair competition actions; and been called upon for assistance by French luxury fashion brand Longchamp. Leading on the BMW work is department head Ralf Hackbarth, who combines his trademark prowess with deep knowledge of internet and domain name issues. According to patrons: “He is always up to date, his writings are exceptionally good and he is also very convincing in court.” His equal is Andreas Schulz, who for 25 years has been litigating trademark and unfair competition cases, and also offers food and drug law insight. For French clients, Stefan Abel is a good choice; he has lately been representing Lafuma Mobilier in several battles against German distributors of lookalike outdoor chairs. Also deserving of a mention are Oliver Rauscher and Carola Onken, who have teamed up to provide both contentious and transactional support to shoe brand Deichmann and jointly receive high praise: “Both impress with their skills and professionalism, whether in written proceedings or oral proceedings. Their work really is at the highest level.”
Recommended Individuals
Stefan Abel
Ralf Hackbarth
Carola Onken
Oliver Rauscher
Andreas Schulz